Nowadays, there are lots of soccer (baseball, football) Dads out there. I see them when I go to my grandkids' games. Every one of these Dads is doing his best to coach his son or daughter in the nuances of the sport.
In our home, when Joe was growing up, rather than the nuances of this or that sport, it was the nuances of Beethoven, or Zawinul, or Steely Dan, or Omartian. I tried to give Joe a very broad sweep of music. Though his genre is metal, I hear elements of all that we listened to and talked about in these roaring songs!
As a Dad -- and I'm sure as many "soccer Dads" -- it is refreshing to listen to the fruit of those labors and to know that it "took".
It's not that I didn't have any "laurels" of my own, but maybe it is more like Archie Manning, who can see the nuances of leading a football team to championships. It is great to see that those things are being lived out in my son, to a greater degree than I experienced in my own day.
"Teach your children well..." as CSNY sang. Enjoy the times when that is carried on in your children!