It is interesting times for me as a Rock n Roll Dad and songwriter. My son, Joe -- founder of Pallbearer -- has been eagerly waiting for the release date for this new recording. As August 19 approaches, the anticipation in the press, NPR and other outlets, has ramped up. Almost every day, there has been a spate of articles about the release of the first single and the coming release of the full length. This week there have been several interviews, many album reviews, and the "Best New Music" mantle given by Pitchfork -- as it did the 2012 predecessor "Sorrow and Extinction". As a capper, they have been streaming it all week, with many outlets linking to the stream URL. It's been fun to interact with Joe over these things as the release and the incipient touring approach and vicariously share the joys of this creative opportunity in his life. Joe is not getting rich but he is able to express his creative soul in a way that many of us only wish for.
Ahhh. That's what I love about Nashville -- the unceasing buzz of creative people in an environment which encourages and promotes it. Two night ago, I sat front and center at the Listening Room Cafe. Jeff Cohen was debuting a new song (he says starting with a new song is his Modus Operandi). Also on the round was Alan Bennett and Lindsey Lee, both fantastic writers with numerous cuts to show for it. It was two hours of pure enjoyment! And this sort of things is commonplace in this town. I love Texas, but I sure love visiting Nashville!