I was notified that "Tonight and Forever" would be considered for the NSAI Christmas In July pitch CD and also that "It's In The Cards" would be considered for the next Publisher's Luncheon. Of course, being considered is one thing but actually being selected is another. I am waiting to see on both of those songs.
I submitted a new tune for evaluation and received back a suggestion that I spend the month of August listening to as much country music as possible, playing it on my guitar and getting to "feel it" in my bones. The reason was so that I can improve my lyrical and melodic phrasing style. So, I have taken that suggestion.
It has been good for me to get my guitar chops back in shape after a long, long time off and enjoyable to play along with some of my favorite songs.
I have enjoyed meeting with the NSAI regional workshop in Little Rock and was disappointed this week that, after the initial meeting of the Monroe chapter in July, the workshop leader had to cancel for health reasons. So, for the time being, Little Rock will be my regional. Charlie Crow and others are a fine bunch of foks, so that will be no problem!
I have booked classes at the annual SongPosium in Nashville toward the end of next month and will writer more about that as the time approaches.